martes, 9 de octubre de 2012

2.10 Vacation Time

Dear, alexa

Hi alexa, I hope you are well. I am writing to tell you how wonderful it has been my beach vacation. We been sleeping under the stars, building fire in the sea and if you could see how beautiful it is to hear the surf to sleep.Is very exciting also take a ride on horseback through the sea, we have been preparing meals on a camp stove and set up tents. Yesterday I was cooking some delicious shrimp, I also got to the beach for a swim, it was amazing. I wish you were here like me, enjoy these beautiful holiday, and next year I hope you can join me. see you soon

Build Fires

Go Horseback riding


2.9 Sports

Rosario: Hi, alex, How are you?
Alex: hello rosario. I'm very tired, because I was playing football yesterday. .
Rosario:Really? I love football. I think it's interesting and exciting.
Alex: Yes, it's marvelous, but when I play I feel exhausted.
Rosario: Yes, the football it's exhausting. And... do you like the body surfing? I practice the body surfing.
Alex: Are you serious? I like the bodysurfing. I think it's thrilling and exciting.
Rosario: Yes, the body surfing makes me feel thrilled.
Alex: And what about pool? What do you think of the pool?
Rosario: I think it's too boring for me.
Alex:I don't think so, I think the pool It's interesting. But ok. I'm going to take a nap. See you later!
Rosario: Ok! good bye!








Football Soccer








Foto animate Sport - Gif animate Sport



2.7 Family life


Maria, Claudia, Juan, Josefina y The Grandmother(lupita)

Juan is maria's father. Maria is josefina's daugther and josefina is the wife juan's. Lupita is the mother of Maria´s dad. Rebeca is Juan's sister. Maria is Rebeca's niece. lupita is mother-in-law josefina's.

domingo, 7 de octubre de 2012

2.8 Changing Fashion






T- shirt










big_shoes_to_fill_md_wht.gif (12214 bytes)



Mini dress


Dress pants




sábado, 6 de octubre de 2012

2.6 Long Ago

Write 10 sentences using : some, a few, a little, much, many, etc.
Many apples

1.Alex have any apples to make an apples pie. but not many. he need 6 or 10 more.
ate some cake.
2. The child ate some cake of refrigerator. But only a little.
A few passed

                         3. Only a few passed the English exam.
A little sugar
 4. My mom likes coffee with a little sugar and too much milk
Many pieces

                      5. The puzzle had so many pieces that we could not finish it.

6.There was not much traffic on the highway. Therefore come a little early to work.

                7.I don´t have any money, Because I bought some flowers for my mom.

            8. I want some things from the store: A little milk and some bananas.

9. I have not the habit of reading books in my house. I should read a few books.

10. They drank too much alcohol at the party and they remember very little of what happened.

2.5 Inventions



dishwasher_mouse_wash_md_wht.gif (13618 bytes)




fridge.gif (5601 bytes)


Vacuum Cleaner


Rosario: Oh no!
Monica: What's the problem?
Rosario: I need to make dinner again because I burned the other
Monica: Gee, that's awful. But you can order a pizza for dinner.
Rosario: Great idea. But I have to prepare something special, because I invite my boyfriend and some friends from work for dinner. I don't have enough time, they come in an hour.
Monica: Are in a mess. But I will help you, for now check if you have some food in the refrigerator.
Rosario: Ok. Well look in the refrigerator there is a little meat and vegetables, we can prepare a roast in the oven.
Monica: I think it's perfect. While I cook the dinner, you should take a shower and get on too beautiful for your guests.
Rosario: Thank you. But I have another problem.
Monica: That happens?
Rosario: I used to washing clothes and suddenly the water it was, then now I not have to wear.
Monica: Oh my god!!. You should go to the mall to buy a dress.
Rosario: But they are too expensive, I have enough money now.
Monica: Then you'll have to cancel dinner.
Rosario: You're right. I'm in a serious mess.
Monica: I'm Sorry
Rosario: Thanks, you helped me too


2.4 Towns

Obregon was a small town. People used to go walk market, didn't Exist as many cars as now. Also They used horses for transportation. There were no phones. They Didn't use the internet, people used to sleep outside their houses and cook in wood stove. There were no shopping malls, casinos, and departmental stores. Many schools didn't exist and not all people had the opportunity to go there. There was nightclubs, places of amusement, parks, plazas and fast food places.

the old cathedral

Most of the houses were made ​​of earth, the streets were small and were not paved.

Miguel Aleman Street

 Morelos place